Sunday, 20 February 2011

Post Apocalyptic

I'm writing a story which takes place in a post apocalyptic world at the moment. So i was looking for some good inspiration. Feel free to contribute ideas or pictures. How would your world look like?


  1. Try and play Fallout 3!
    You will have TONES of new ideas! :D

  2. play fallout 3 and or new vegas and youll have the best ideas

  3. You should read "The Road" or at least watch it.

    Amazing imagery that oughtta give you some inspiration :)

  4. will def. start playing fallout 3 and give the road a shot. thx for the input :)

  5. lol fallout, is this a short story or a novel? I always wanted to shoot a short post apoc film.

  6. That is a gnarly picture man!

  7. STALKER and Fallout had good depictions of post-apocalyptic wastelands. The Road and the Book of Eli were pretty good too, though the latter was far more optimistic than the others.

    Semi-related, I always sort of wanted to write something (a novel or short story) set after an apocalypse.

  8. don't really have any ideas at the moment, but i sure want to read your story when it is finished :D

  9. I love apocalyptic art man. Props on this image. I really dig it.

  10. I just found my new wallpaper! Cool blog :) supporting

  11. That's an awesome idea. Go for it.

    Great wall paper by the way

  12. I do love conceptualizing scenarios of the apocalypse :D

  13. Interesting question. Post apocalyptic would probably be trees growing in the middle of ruined streets, animals everywhere and probably men with uniforms and guns fighting for control of the survivors who would probably be attacking other people for whatever they hold to value (not money). Followed :D

  14. that's a freaking sweet picture.

    but yeah. play fallout.

  15. looks like some Raccoon City thing going on there, love it

  16. nice you can use some of my wallpapers if you like as well

  17. cant wait for this story, maybe you should start with daily short stories to get the juices flowing. then if you find something you like you can elaborate upon it.

  18. Yeah fallout 1 and 2 have good apocalypse dark humor in them and great storylines

  19. Very cool, although it makes me wonder what happened. Personally, I've always been a fan of the "rotted" appearance where it looks like people just disappeared and the urban world wasted away without them.

  20. I always thought an interesting post-apocalypse world would be one totally overgrown, returned to nature. The only surviving humans would be ones who plugged themselves into computers 24/7 inside giant, armored refrigeration towers. Meanwhile, nature has reclaimed the earth, with animals that have radically evolved, now bi-pedal with primitive caveman-like societies.

    1. Another possibility that is not so remote is that electronics has grown so advanced and so power-thrifty that even the inhabitants of favellas or other shantytowns perform all the qualified jobs that can be done with it, with the help of much AI, while for the rest of their material existence a bamboo hut or an outdoor restaurant under magnolias is just OK.

  21. i bought fallout and got pretty bored :/ is it just me or is it seriously slow paced?

  22. after some time I also get bored from fallout

  23. Very nice take on a post-apocalyptic scene. Thanks!

  24. I think the book of Eli depicts a post apocalypse scenario pretty well. Something like that.

  25. This is rather incredible. I'm actually into this whole 'post-apocalyptic', it seems like the best scene for a nice thriller.

  26. I can vouch the previous posters about "Fallout" and "The Road", both are great.

    Also I'd add the japanese manga "Battle Angel Alita". It's not really well known, but it shows a dark and post-apocalyptic future with a somehow steampunk style. I bet you can read this in the internet somewhere.
